Saturday, February 29, 2020

Basic Computer skills for your career

Basic Computer skills for your career The computer age is continuously improving as the days go by. If you do not keep up with that pace, you may be less competitive and may not get the promotion you have been eyeing for so long. Of course, job security will back you up and you may stay in your position for as long as you like. If you however, would like to move forward, you need the backing of computer knowledge. How do you get computer savvy? Start from the basic. Get basic computer training and from there improve yourself keeping pace with the new software for business. If you are already working, I know that you already have an understanding of some computer basics but if you are a new entrant into the business world, you may need some basic computer training to ensure you will keep your job. If the company you work for do not sponsor computer trainings, it is for you to take in on your own. Why do you need the basic computer training? This is to ensure that you are prepared to receive additional computer trainings. Why is it so? This is because without the basic computer knowledge, whatever computer program your company will sponsor for you will be useless because you do not know how and what the basics are. Let me give you some very basic computer knowledge that you may need and from there, you may move on to taking the basic computer training at your own. Learning this will give you the advantages you need to excel in your field. Basic computer knowledge What is a CPU? The CPU or the Central Processing Unit is the brain of the computer; it holds the Drives. What are the Drives? Drive A is the floppy disk insert drive. Drive C is the hard drive where most of the programs are found. Drive D or E, these are the CD ROM drives. Input Devices: Keyboard, it is the device where you will find the letters used to input words in the system. Mouse, this is used to scroll and navigate the window. Output Device: Monitor, this is the screen where you see what you will input from the keyboard. Printer, this is where you will send the letters you input in the computer and have them printed on paper. Now, that you know what the computer devices are, you will need to learn how to open the computer. Find the power on in the CPU and the power on in the Monitor. When the Monitor shows you images, you already have opened your computer. The next step, of course is to learn how to use the computer using software. This is where you need basic computer training from reputation institutions or find an online computer course. Choose from basic to advanced computer training and you are well on your way to becoming computer savvy. Take, even the basic computer training at heart and your will surely succeed in the computer age and modern business environment. Basic computer training is the start of a lucrative career.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Patient Workplace Nursing Human Resource Issue Essay

Patient Workplace Nursing Human Resource Issue - Essay Example All these issues impact one another and make up a rich dynamic that affects the way nursing care is given at present. They also impact the way planning for future care is done in hospitals and other institutions of care. There is a need to explore the literature to find answers, sort out the issues, and get to a more nuanced and deeper perspective of how such issues affect and feed off one another. Hopefully at the end of the exercise the literature will point the way towards possible solutions, or at least towards new and rich insights that can guide planning on the part of hospitals and other institutions, and the way nurses pursue career tracks in the different related disciplines. At the very least, the review of the literature hopefully brings us up to date with regard to what the state of those issues are, what the terrain looks like so to speak, and what major milestones and watermarks are present that nursing practitioners, health care managers, and all the other stakeholders in the process should be on the watch for, with regard to nursing staffing, turnover, career development, and related issues of vital interest. Moreover, the review of the literature ought to guide creative endeavors aimed at resolving key bottlenecks and main points of dispute and concern. The thinking is that an intelligent look at the literature ought to give practitioners and involved parties the right kinds of perspectives and tools without which creativity in the crafting of solutions to pressing human resource issues cannot be undertaken successfully (Ritchie et al., 2003; Vincent and Beduz, 2010; Doherty et al., n.d.; Sanford, 2010; Jones, 2008; Hunt, 2009). II. Review of the Literature There has been two sides to a debate that constitute the push and pull forces as far as nurse staffing and human resources management is concerned. On the one side are arguments that point to quality of care levels being correlated with the quality and number of nurses allocated for every pa tient in a health care setting. The greater the quality and the greater the number of nurses allocated on a per patient basis. On the other side are arguments that treat the issue of health care provision as a numbers/financials game. To be financially viable, nursing human resources must be treated as a financial variable, as a cost that must be managed. Of course as a cost, hospitals and other health care institutions being for the most part for profit operations, nursing staffing must be managed to optimal levels, rather than to the maximum, because the latter means suboptimal profits. The balancing act is with regard to providing optimum care via staffing of nurses that is also financially viable for the institution concerned (Ritchie et al., 2003; Vincent and Beduz, 2010; Doherty et al., n.d.; Sanford, 2010; Jones, 2008; Hunt, 2009). Yet the literature also states that the problem of staffing is not an easy one to tackle and solve, owing to the fact that there are a host of fac tors that impact hiring and staffing decisions. While it is known that staffing levels correlate positively with quality of care, aside from the financials there is the matter of the lack of qualified nurses to provide quality care. This is a problem of qualification. At any given time, though there are vacancies, not enough qualified nurses are available to man and fill up those vacant nurses' positions. This means that if a hospital, for instance, goes

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Metaphor of war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Metaphor of war - Essay Example In the wake of Sept. 11, football players promised to hold their tongues. This stuck around for about three days. Then they once again embarked upon the entire buzz once again about wars, trenches, bombs, warriors, field generals and so on. The vernacular of sport and war have cross-fertilized to the peak of looking ineluctably matted. There is much shared language between sport and politics, too - elections as horse races and Heisman drives - but comparisons drawn between sport and war seem much more out of place. On the same line, in his column published in New York Times, on May 13, 2001 Kristin Hohenadel discusses the increasing terminology of war in movies and then says that movies are like war, quoting Dustin Hoffman on the Oscar night ''It's like a war". Everything, such as conceptualizing, producing, directing a movie is like a war. As Spielberg once said, ''In war, as in movies, every decision is about saving the wrong decision from being made.'' In addition, these movies don't lessen the real war that is going on. It is an ongoing process and even a happy ending of a war movie does not imply it will be the same in real.